Showing posts with label alkaloids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alkaloids. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is Enhanced Kratom?

Part our our new line of goodies on our website is enhanced Kratom blends! So what is enhanced Kratom? Enhanced Kratom is taking plain leaf Kratom which can be any of the many strains  and adding an extract to this plain leaf Kratom to strengthen the effect.

Kratom Extract
Kratom Extracts are very concentrated forms of the alkaloids in the Kratom leaf derived by extracting these alkaloids and only these alkaloids out of the kratom leaf and leaving all the plant material behind. There are different methods of extraction and different strengths of extracts. The extracts or alkaloids of the Kratom Leaf are what actually gives us the aroma Kratom gives us when burning. Without these alkaloids, Kratom would just be useless.

Enhanced Kratom is a very popular choice for Kratom enthusiasts. It gives us a way to have a more potent Kratom without having to buy very expensive extracts. The Leaping Leaf's enhanced Kratom is phenominal and comes in different strengths because we use different types of extracts. Our Ligthly enhanced Kratom utilizes a Resin extract while our boldly enhanced uses extract from a more advanced extraction process making the extract stronger and therefor making the enhanced Kratom stronger. You can't go wrong with any of The Leaping Leaf's enhanced Kratom!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What part of the Kratom leaf is best?

Horned Leaf Kratom
most of the desirable alkaloids are found in the leaf tissue between the veins. Kratom users in Thailand often remove the petiole and bigger centre vein before chewing the leaf. For production of dried leaf powder the whole leaf is harvested and dried. Petioles and centre veins are removed manually and then the dried remainder is grinded and sieved. Because the veins are harder they do not grind well and are sieved out. What remains is mainly soft leaf tissue with some smaller vein fragments.
Vendors usually discarded the removed petiole, midvein and sieved out lateral veins. This material is wrongly termed stem and vein. When total alkaloids content is measured these “leftover” materials have less alkaloid compared to the leaf tissue. Therefore largely removing these tissues results in more alkaloids per gram of powder


Monday, July 30, 2012

What is SSS?

Red Vein Borneo
Don't bother doing a search, there is no medical explanation or definition of any sort. SSS is a new term, coined by Kratom Connoissuers. It stands for Stagnant Strain Syndrome. The meaning behind it is pretty simple, if you burn the same Kratom strain or blend for a long period of time, you might notice it doesn't seem to have that same potent aroma as it had before, even if you increase your burn amount. This syndrome varies from person to person. Some people can get SSS after a day, some after several days. Some people may not get it at all if they don't burn on a daily basis. Often times, a person might buy a particular Kratom strain from a vendor, find out they like the aroma of that strain and buy more. Only to find out the second order isn't working like the first order. Well, it must be the kratom, right? Not likely, Kratom potency if stored correctly can last much longer then you might think. If you are purchasing your Kratom from a well known vendor that gets business regularly, you don't have to worry about the kratom being bad. For example, buys small quantities of all their kratom strains to ensure they don't "sit on it" for a long time, it's always nice and potent. Most likely the cause of the second go around of a powder, not being as good or aromatic as the first round is because SSS.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is Kratom addictive?

Kratom Seeds
The answer is Yes and No and unlike Opiates, withdrawals can very greatly from person to person.. Kratom is not addictive if taken moderately.. Kratom does not affect the same receptors as do narcotics such as Opium and Heroin. Kratom effects the Delta Opoid and only very high doses can lead to effecting the Mu Opiod which is what is effected by such things as Opim and Herioin and where the addiction can start

Alot of Kratom burners burn quite a bit daily in which case it can be addictive Kratom basically has a stimulating . There were reports that Thai laborers that used Kratom daily for a long time developed dark patches on their skin and and an unhealthy appearance.  And, when they stopped taking Kratom, they got all the same withdrawal symptoms as opiates.  While higher doses can provide a person with significant narcotic effects. Some cultures use it to enhance the sexual intercourse and to treat diarrhea. Kratom can be used as a substitute for opium and it is also very efficient in moderating opium addictions. It stops the cravings and moderates the withdrawal because its alkaloids bind to the delta receptors in the brain. It can also be used for detoxification of those addicted to methadone.

some other info
Some reoirst of kratom use involved visualizations and vivid dreams as side effects of the therapy. Some studies suggest that it also could be used for the treatment of depression. One’s mood is determined by the levels of serotonin, dopamine and opiates. Most chemical drugs are related to the levels of serotonin because it does not involve an addiction.
Certain researches have shown that kratom could affect the mood of a person in a positive manner. Kratom can also come in very handy when it comes to the treatment of adult attention deficit disorder because of its stimulating and mood lifting properties.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How much Kratom should I take?

Genetic Maeng Da
Ah, a heck of a question with no real definitive answer. The reason is because there are alot of different kratom strains out there. Also, the fact they it is grown in different regions with different soil properties, makes it hard to hit the nail on the head of this question. As a rule of thumb, one should always stay on the safe and responsible side and start with a real low dosage – For the very potent Genetic Maeng Da or Pimps Grade Maeng Da, 1g should be enough. With other strains, start at 2g and work your way up. With 2g of regular Kratom, everybody should be completely safe. So, start with 2g wait a half hour to an hour, and if not enough is happening, take another gram of Kratom. It will not need more than a few trials and you will know very well how much you need to take from which product to achieve the effects desired by you. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out which strains is best for you and which one you should try. Email us for questions on this, we can at least give you a good starting point,