What is SSS?
Red Vein Borneo |
Don't bother doing a search, there is no medical explanation or definition of any sort. SSS is a new term, coined by Kratom Connoissuers. It stands for Stagnant Strain Syndrome. The meaning behind it is pretty simple, if you burn the same Kratom strain or blend for a long period of time, you might notice it doesn't seem to have that same potent aroma as it had before, even if you increase your burn amount. This syndrome varies from person to person. Some people can get SSS after a day, some after several days. Some people may not get it at all if they don't burn on a daily basis. Often times, a person might buy a particular Kratom strain from a vendor, find out they like the aroma of that strain and buy more. Only to find out the second order isn't working like the first order. Well, it must be the kratom, right? Not likely, Kratom potency if stored correctly can last much longer then you might think. If you are purchasing your Kratom from a well known vendor that gets business regularly, you don't have to worry about the kratom being bad. For example, theleapingleaf.com buys small quantities of all their kratom strains to ensure they don't "sit on it" for a long time, it's always nice and potent. Most likely the cause of the second go around of a powder, not being as good or aromatic as the first round is because SSS.