How can you increase the length of your Kratom burn?
Green Malay |
Have you ever heard of Green Malay Kratom? Well Green Malay is a green veined Kratom leaf and it has very unique properties that allow it's effects (aroma) to last longer than other strains. Good Green Malay lasts a long time (some say it has "long legs"). it's not too energetic and not too sedative so you can make your day a long day at work or a relaxing day in front of the TV.
Did you know?
The true prize in Green Malay is the fact that it has the ability to lengthen other burn as well! Many people do not know this. Next time you are going to burn your favorite strain or awesome blend like our platinum White, add a couple grams of Green Malay too it and experience a longer lasting aroma!
SPONSORED BY Pure, Organic Kratom Strains and Blends!