Friday, September 14, 2012

What Makes Kratom work?
What Alkaloids are in Kratom?

Basically the same question put two different ways. So what is tt that makes Kratom such an awesome plant? Kratom leaves are made up of Alkaloids. Each different strains contains diffrent amounts of these alkaloids and each alkaloid has a different role in creating the aroma that Kratom creates. There is still ALOT of studying that needs to be done by scientists to dig deeper into this subject. Here is a list of know alkaloids in Kratom and their potential effect for the aroma.

Ajmalicine (Raubasine): Cerebrocirculant, antiaggregant, anti-adrenergic (at alpha-1), sedative, anticonvulsant, smooth muscle relaxer. Also found in Rauwolfia serpentina.


Ciliaphylline: antitussive, analgesic. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Corynantheidine: μ -opioid antagonist, also found in Yohimbe. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Corynoxeine: Calcium channel blocker. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Corynoxine A and B: Dopamine mediating anti-locomotives. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Epicatechin: Antioxidant, antiaggregant, antibacterial, antidiabetic,
antihepatitic, anti-inflammatory, anti-leukemic, antimutagenic, antiperoxidant,
antiviral, potential cancer preventative, alpha-amylase inhibitor. Also found in dark chocolate.

9-Hydroxycorynantheidine: Partial opioid agonist

7-hydroxymitragynine: Analgesic, antitussive, antidiarrheal; primary
psychoactive in Kratom, Roughly 2% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Isomitraphylline: Immunostimulant, anti-leukemic. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Isomitrafoline: < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Isopteropodine: Immunostimulant

Isorhynchophylline: Immunostimulant. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Isospeciofoline: < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Mitraciliatine: < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Mitragynine: Indole alkaloid. Analgesic, antitussive, antidiarrheal, adrenergic, antimalarial,
possible psychedelic (5-HT2A) antagonist. Roughly 66% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Mitragynine oxindole B. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Mitrafoline: < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Mitraphylline: Oxindole alkaloid. Vasodilator, antihypertensive, muscle relaxer, diuretic, antiamnesic, anti-leukemic, possible immunostimulant. <1% of total alkaloid contents in Kratom leaf.


Paynantheine: Indole alkaloid. Smooth muscle relaxer. 8.6% to 9% of total alkaloid contents in Kratom leaf.

Rhynchophylline: Vasodilator, antihypertensive, calcium channel blocker,
antiaggregant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-arrhythmic, antithelmintic. < 1% of total alkaloid content found in Kratom leaf.

Speciociliatine: Weak opioid agonist. 0.8% to 1% of total alkaloid content of Kratom leaf, unique to Kratom.


Speciogynine: Smooth muscle relaxer. 6.6% to 7% of total alkaloid contents of Kratom leaf.

Speciophylline: Indole alkaloid. Anti-leukemic. <1% of total alkaloid contents of Kratom leaf.


Tetrahydroalstonine: Hypoglycemic, anti-adrenergic (at alpha-2)

Mitragyna speciosa Kratom alkaloid content varies quantitatively from geographical location, and from month to month, at different leaf harvest times, which has lead some teams (Shellard et al. in the 1970s) to conclude that there may be different geographical variants within the same species.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is Enhanced Kratom?

Part our our new line of goodies on our website is enhanced Kratom blends! So what is enhanced Kratom? Enhanced Kratom is taking plain leaf Kratom which can be any of the many strains  and adding an extract to this plain leaf Kratom to strengthen the effect.

Kratom Extract
Kratom Extracts are very concentrated forms of the alkaloids in the Kratom leaf derived by extracting these alkaloids and only these alkaloids out of the kratom leaf and leaving all the plant material behind. There are different methods of extraction and different strengths of extracts. The extracts or alkaloids of the Kratom Leaf are what actually gives us the aroma Kratom gives us when burning. Without these alkaloids, Kratom would just be useless.

Enhanced Kratom is a very popular choice for Kratom enthusiasts. It gives us a way to have a more potent Kratom without having to buy very expensive extracts. The Leaping Leaf's enhanced Kratom is phenominal and comes in different strengths because we use different types of extracts. Our Ligthly enhanced Kratom utilizes a Resin extract while our boldly enhanced uses extract from a more advanced extraction process making the extract stronger and therefor making the enhanced Kratom stronger. You can't go wrong with any of The Leaping Leaf's enhanced Kratom!