Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What part of the Kratom leaf is best?

Horned Leaf Kratom
most of the desirable alkaloids are found in the leaf tissue between the veins. Kratom users in Thailand often remove the petiole and bigger centre vein before chewing the leaf. For production of dried leaf powder the whole leaf is harvested and dried. Petioles and centre veins are removed manually and then the dried remainder is grinded and sieved. Because the veins are harder they do not grind well and are sieved out. What remains is mainly soft leaf tissue with some smaller vein fragments.
Vendors usually discarded the removed petiole, midvein and sieved out lateral veins. This material is wrongly termed stem and vein. When total alkaloids content is measured these “leftover” materials have less alkaloid compared to the leaf tissue. Therefore largely removing these tissues results in more alkaloids per gram of powder


Monday, July 30, 2012

How do I avoid SSS?

Thai Maeng Da
Ah, good question indeed. So, how can we avoid this dreaded Stagnant Strain Syndrome? Well, as we try and explain to many of our customers, your best bet of getting the most out of your Kratom and the strongest aroma possible is by switching up the strains/blends you are burning. Meaning, buy several different strains/blends and put them on a rotation. I know, it's sometimes hard for the folks wanting the energetic aroma to rotate to a less energetic aroma without having setbacks in their daily routine. BUT, it needs to be done, you will appreciate these strains/blends alot more when rotating. Try it out, you won't be dissapointed!